Tuesday, 15 March 2011

The Dale Farm Travellers

All who are not from the UK maybe don't know what travelers are, well they are Irish Gypsies who live across Ireland and the UK. 

Near London in Basildon is the largest UK traveller community. The Traveller community bought the former scrap yard  in the 1970s and Basildon council granted planning permission to 40 Families. 
Until 1994 the government was oblieged to provide sites for travellers but that act has been removed and now there is not even near enough space for travellers to stay permanently so a lot of them moved in to Dales Farm.
Still across the UK planning permission for travellers is rejected in 90% of the cases comparing to 20% of all other planning permissions 

Now Basildon council has permission to remove the travellers from their own land and is planning to send the Bailiffs with Bulldozers to do so.

The reputation of travellers is extremely bad among other residents but we should see that most of this is a case of prejudice. In the end travellers are normal people, of course not all of them are angels but in every community you will find good and bad. Alltogether we should let them live their lives on their own land where they are not harming anyone and just staying for themself. 

Most of them are just normal families with children, who wants to go to school and have good access to medical care and just a settled life. It is shocking that still the life expectance of travellers is much lower then of  "normal" UK residence due to a lack of medical care 

People always tend to look bad at minorities doesn't matter where they are from and who they are, Usually that is just because they are different and do things which looks strange. That doesn't mean they are not good people and it doesn't mean that they don't have rights. 
So lets all overcome our prejudice for minoritys and try to accept them as they are and even to understand them


  1. I have to admit, that through all my liberal leanings the traveller community is one I find it most difficult to come to terms with.

    As a child a group of travellers once stole my bike... maybe it stems from that!

  2. I see were you're comming from but as long as they are so pushed out of the society and are not accepted in any way they will be pushed more into crime as when we would give them just a normal chance, well thats my point of view
